Supplier-Led Structures

Loan or Advance against receivables (also known as Receivables Lending, Receivables Finance, Invoice Financing, Trade Receivable Loans or Trade Loans)

Buyer-Led Structures

Payables finance (also known as Approved Payables Finance, Reverse Factoring, Confirming, Supplier Payments, Trade Payables Management, Buyer-Led Supply Chain Finance, Supplier Finance or Vendor Pre-Pay)

In Addition

Funding other banks’ SCF transactions via club deals (syndication loans, discounting of BoEs)

Participating as a financing party to the SCF platforms

Credit Europe Bank-branded SCF platform for customers (expected 2025)

We help our customers to unlock their working capital and accelerate their cash flows at lower costs
Proven and successful trade and commodity finance track record for more than 25 years with highly experienced subject matter experts.
Providing flexible and quick working capital solutions based on customer needs and preferences.
Broad international network with presence in trade hubs, enabling support for both buyers and suppliers.
Efficient customer onboarding and execution of transactions.

Corporate banking


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